Executive Bifocals

People who have had executive bifocals love them! While the industry has moved away from them in favor of smaller bifocal elements or invisible progressive lenses, we continue to produce executive bifocal lenses in house for those who want them.

Executive bifocal lenses, sometimes called Ben Franklin lenses, are full-width bifocals, which gives the wearer a larger reading field of view. Executive lenses are also ideal for patients with macular degeneration. Many find them to be the best for getting the most for reading!

Often times the executive bifocals are being underutilized as reading lenses for individuals with AMD (macular degeneration). Because of the complete spherical front surface for both distance and near, these lenses give those with a loss of central vision a much greater chance of being able to read and potentially a clearer awareness of their distance surroundings. Extra weight in the lens is a minor trade off.

The great news is that we can make these lenses with bifocals power up to +3.50!

Please keep in mind that these executive lenses are the perfect choice for computer operators who have multiple screens to the left and right with unlimited perfect vision when power is adjusted to the needed working distance. A job that ‘cheaters’ don’t do well.

Also, we have an inventory of glass executive bifocals in clear and some photo-grey. These lenses have not been available industry-wide for over 25 years! Please check on availability.

Right now I’m sure you are wondering, “how can I get executive bifocals?!” It’s much easier than you imagine. If you have a frame you like with existing lenses, you can send them to us. We will match the power and the location of your bifocal, then put the new executive bifocal lenses in. If you want a new frame, we carry all the major brands and can get you your new frame, make the lenses, and send you the finished product.

Do you have a unique situation or requirement for your eyewear? We can do any kind of work-around to make “magic happen.” You see, it’s not just Disney that can do that.

We encourage you to please be comfortable and confident doing distanced business. As so many other customers have already found out, working with us across the country to make the right custom executive bifocals for you is much easier than the shop next door. Years of commitment to the industry, thousands of happy customers, and our strong sense of ethics will help prove to you that there still is some people out there that care!

The first bifocal ever made was made by Benjamin Franklin. It was and has been called a “Franklin Lens.” By virtue of design that is what an executive lens looks and performs like. So why if we have been using them for some 239 years, is it by some industry standards no good and old technology?

We are here to make this work for you. If you need more information, feel free to call me directly.

Dale Fluegge

Close-up view of bifocals
Dale holding up a bifocal lens


Cataract surgery gave me 20/20 distance vision, but nobody told me I would completely lose my near and intermediate vision. When it turned out that I still needed prisms for near but not distant vision, I was told it wasn’t possible for one pair of glasses to provide both, and that I’d be stuck using multiple pairs of readers for the rest of my life. I’m so glad I refused to accept this and started looking around online for someone who could help me. The glasses that Dale Fluegge made for me are perfect, and I’d have been happy to pay several times what he charged. If you’ve been told that the glasses you need are impossible, you owe it to yourself to talk with Dale, who doesn’t know the meaning of the word. He is a true craftsman with a passion for serving those of us who have been left behind by companies who want the profits from churning out thousands of easy-to-make lenses a day. Truly, he is a modern-day miracle worker!

April A.

We received a call from a near sighted knitter/quilter that wanted a lens that had her distance power on top and no power on the bottom because she likes how much better she sees without her glasses on. So we created what you see on this picture. This is not an unusual request so we thought we would show you what could be done. Give Dale Fluegge a call to discuss your situation. We would like to say yes to you as well.

5 stars on Birdeye September 24, 2024

Sophia C.

I am acutely nearsighted, crafty, and like to watch TV while I knit, mend, embroider, darn. I have been dreaming of “reverse cheaters,” as I called them. Glasses that let me see far when looking ahead but had no near vision correction when I looked down. The eye doctor was stumped. The many many optical stores I called were stumped. Then FLUEGGE OPTICAL came to the rescue. They listened and told me I needed “Executive Bifocals (Ben Franklin lenses) with the top lense for distance and bottom lense blank or, simply absent.” Sure thing! They do Executive Bifocals every day! I sent them my prescription, and although they were on the far sude of the next state over, they had my new crafty glasses back to me in less than 48 hours! For an extremely reasonable price. They are perfect! I will be getting all of my glasses from FLUEGGE OPTICAL from now on.

5 stars on Birdeye August 29, 2024

John S.
I missed my executive bifocals badly, but neither my current optometrist in Washington state nor my former optometrist in Michigan could get them. Fluegge made them perfectly, and three times as fast–I mailed the frames on Monday, and got the glasses the following Monday, not the three or four weeks I’m used to. I didn’t have old glasses I could send, so I bought the frames here and had the optician measure for the eye spacing and bifocal location. That was the only thing I was concerned about doing this long distance–if I’d had old glasses to send, that would have been enough. Doing it by mail is what my opticians have always done this by mail too–and want payment in advance; Fluegge, not til it’s done.. I would have paid more, but didn’t have to. Fast response to email questions, fast work, perfect results–Fluegge is great.

5 stars on Birdeye August 10, 2024

Shelly H.
I looked everywhere for executive bifocals. I called and Dale was amazing. I sent in my glasses, and Dale called and asked me questions and then he shipped me back my glasses. Thank You, Dale. Since nobody else makes them. I will be using them from now on, even though I live in a different state. Best Service….

5 stars on Birdeye August 4, 2024

Mike R.

I’m back in the saddle in front of my computer with my new executive glasses. It was a good day, finding Fluegge Optical online. Excellent business protocol with courteous, fast and friendly responses with returning my new pair. Thanks Dale and crew.

5 stars on Yelp! July 12, 2024

Cynthia R.

I called from Maryland after being told no company in Maryland makes Executive Lens for bifocals anymore. I can’t use progressive bifocals because Macular Degeneration has destroyed my central vision in the left eye. I have used Executive bifocals since 1992 to sustain my peripheral vision. Fluegge Optical was ready, willing and able to serve me from another state with pictures of me, my glasses and a copy of my prescription. Fluegge is my vision and my life saver!! They were wonderful to work with, fast and efficient at getting the job done despite they many miles between Wisconsin and Maryland.

5 stars on Better Business Bureau, July 11, 2024


Fluegge Optical gets all Aces in my book. After years of being told that I cannot have Glass lenses, I cannot have Photo gray, I cannot have Executive Bifocals, and that I cannot have Large frames, Dale and his team said “YES” to all of the above! I live in Vermont. Fluegge is located in Wisconsin. I called and e-mailed them, having found them on the Internet, and discussed all my desired wants. Astonishingly, one business week later, I received my Large Framed, Executive Bifocal, Glass, Photo Gray lenses in the mail! I was not billed for them, until I received them in the mail and liked them. Even better, the cost was literally half the cost of the in-town, Vermont, stores around me, which, as you remember, refused any of what I really wanted. I am so grateful to Fluegge Optical for putting old fashioned courtesy and respect back into the eye glasses industry! THANK YOU, Dale & Team!!! Old School, is the Best School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 stars on Google, July 11, 2024

Barbara S.

Dale Fluegge – executive bifocal extraordinaire.
Excellent serves, perfect cut and prescription match. I am very thankful Mr. Fluegge recognized the continued need for the executive bifocal.
I am a person who can only wear the executive bifocal. Over the past many years I tried many varieties of bifocals all make me nauseous. Thought the executive bifocals were gone forever and was prepared to have two sets of glasses – then on the internet I found Fluegge. All those great reviews. I called, spoke with Dale, got a new prescription, picked out a set of frame and a week later in the mail my well packed glasses and a bill arrived. That’s right, no bill until the glasses arrived and I was happy with the finished product.. A wonderful experience.
I live in Florida but will use Fluegge Optical in Waterford, Wisconsin for all my lenses and most frames.
Thank you Fluegge Optical staff.

Handwritten note from customer that reads Dale Fluegge, Enclosed is my check for glasses on your invoice. The glasses are perfect than you so much for having the executive bi-focal available. Ken Brill

5 stars on Google, June 24, 2024


I was having a difficult time finding a business that would still make the Executive Bifocal lenses, in frames that I liked. fluegge Optical and the owner did a fantastic job of working with me, and getting them done quickly at a great value. I highly recommend this business, they deserve 5 of 5 Stars!

5 stars on Google, May 29, 2024


Could not get any of my local optical stores to make me the new pair of executive lenses. Called Fluegge Optical and Dale said he could do them. Bought the frames that I wanted locally, mailed then on a Friday, by the following Friday (Saturday) I had my glasses back. They work fine. Will be using them in the future.

5 stars on Google, May 29, 2024


Like so many others who are fans of executive bifocals, I recently discovered that my local eye doc no longer had a lab to produce them. Web search led me to Fluegge Optical. I sent 2 pair of single vision Rx glasses to them on a Monday via Priority Mail and, by Thursday, Dale had completed the work. I received them Wednesday the following week. Excellent personalized service from a lab that is passionate about making these specialty lenses available to those of us who are not crazy about progressives.

5 stars on Google, May 18, 2024

VuDu D.

I have worn executive bifocals for many years. I usually got them via my optometrist’s office here in NC where I live. They sell frames and have the lenses made (at an outside lab). This year, I couldn’t find any frames I liked there, and end up ordering frames from an online seller. I brought them in and they assured me they could fill them with my prescription in executive bifocals. After waiting more than a week, I get a call saying my glasses are in but… they were NOT executive bifocals. She then went on to explain that they could no longer get executive bifocals as the lab said they don’t carry them any longer. I was very disappointed but took my frames and refund and went looking for a place that COULD do executive bifocals.

Thank the Lord for Dale Fluegge! He answered all my questions, I sent the frame, and in just a FEW DAYS I had my glasses back, WITH THE EXECUTIVE BIFOCALS that I wanted and that everyone else told me I couldn’t get because they “are no longer available”! Great customer service. I called in to make payment and the man I spoke to was ALSO super nice and helpful. Best customer service ever. The price was shockingly low! I’d give TEN stars if I could! ALL my glasses will be coming from Fluegge Optical from now on!

5 stars on Google, May 14, 2024

Hector N.

After many decades of having my local optician arranging for my bifocal executive lenses, I was told they no longer made those. Checking the internet I discovered that Fluegge Optical in Waterford Wisconsin could make them for me. From the first attempt to contact them I was able to get immediate response and eventually made my high quality lenses. Extremely satisfied with the whole experience and my glasses. Héctor Nava, MD

5 stars on Google, Apr 19, 2024


After a quick check that they had trifocal executives, I sent them my prescription. Before I even had shipped the frames out, Dale sent the lens out for my requested coating. By the time they received the frames, they had the lens back and ready to cut and put into the frames with shipping out to me the next day. Total turn around, 10 total days, less time than my local optical shop. All this for lens my local shop said they couldn’t get. I highly recommend Fluegge Optical.

5 stars on Google, Mar 21, 2024


Fluegge Optical has the best customer service I have ever experienced when buying glasses and multi optical lenses. Dale has the knowledge when recommending lenses to macular degeration sufferers, and those needing executive bifocals. Fluegge Optical supplied lenses with executive bifocals even though all other eyewear outlets, and the labs they use, said executive bifocals were no longer available worldwide. I personally called these labs, and well known eyewear outlets, and was told exec bifocals are impossible to get. I was so happy to find Fluegge Optical I bought four sets of lenses, which they put into my existing frames. These lenses were made perfectly, a hard task when considering the different prisms and coatings I need for my compromised vision. Dale also recommended a magnetic clip-on glare reducer to help me with night vision driving. I drove two hours for the help Fluegge Optical could give me and I would drive even twice as far because these lenses give me the clearest vision I have had in over fifteen years. Thanks Dale. John Gaidosh

5 stars on Google, Mar 01, 2024


I’m Steve, but this review was written by my wife: I live in New York State and was having a tough time getting what I needed: one pair of executive bifocals so that I could see my knitting (on my lap) and a movie about ten feet away.

All the opticians here have multiple lab options, but no one had labs that made executive bifocals anymore. I tried one highly regarded shop here first, which ultimately told me that they couldn’t make them, and then went to another shop (Pearle Vision) which said that their lab did make them, then paid for and waited for — and finally got — glasses that were not the executive bifocals that had been ordered/promised. In that case, we took the glasses back and found out finally that the executive bifocals we had ordered and had been promised were not possible after all. We felt like Pearle Vision had tried to pull a fast one after telling us we didn’t need to come in for a fitting and then giving us glasses that were not true executive bifocals. When told that we would look elsewhere, the rep at Pearle Vision wished us good luck and let us know that she had called all of the labs that they knew to call, and that none of them could make the executive bifocals.

After getting our money back from Pearle Vision, my husband went online for me the same afternoon to search for a way to get executive bifocals, and thanks to Google, he immediately found Fluegge Optical in Waterford, Wisconsin, an optical shop which specifically advertises executive bifocals on their website and has the lab machinery in-house, enabling them to make whatever glasses you need. When I first called, I was surprised to find myself speaking with Dale Fluegge, the man in charge of the store. He was kind, assuring, and he guaranteed being able to make what I needed. Not only that, but the list of designer frames there was extensive, so we decided to take a chance.

Dale asked that I scan my eye exam prescription, send that to him, and after I refused to also send him a pair of my favorite glasses, he told me that maybe my husband could take some up-close photos of me wearing three pairs of my favorite glasses and e-mail them to him along with the prescription instead. Regarding the request to see photos of me wearing glasses, he wanted to see what kind of frames I liked as well as the shape of my face in order to help choose some good frames for me. He found that I am wide at the temples, and he chose tortoise shell Dolce & Gabbana frames — which was ideal! The frames fit me perfectly and looked wonderful! I was charged $140 for the frames, another $20 for the anti-reflective coating, $200 for the lenses and $15 for shipping. Not only that, but I did not have to wait two weeks for those glasses (as was the case with the local optician shops here). No, with Fluegge Optical, I had my new glasses in my hands within a few days — and that was even with a small delay at their end NOW HERE’S THE REAL KICKER! I did not have to pay for the glasses before I received them (something I have had to do in every other optical shop I’ve ever done business anywhere). When I asked him if he wanted payment prior to shipment, Dale told me that I was not to make any payment until the glasses were in my possession, on my face, and my face was smiling! I was astounded.

The bottom line is that I am now able to knit and watch a movie at the same time, thanks to Dale. The glasses are great, the prescription match is perfect, everything is exactly what I wanted, and they were made and delivered with a level of proactive service quality unmatched by any other optical shop I have ever used. If you happen to be in a state other than Wisconsin like I am, and you need a pair of executive bifocals (or maybe any other pair of glasses), I highly recommend Fluegge Optical in Waterford, Wisconsin. They are online, have an informative website, you can easily contact them by phone with your needs and concerns, and they’ll take very good care of you.

Zenni Executive bifocals